School Board
Carolyn J. Riley, Board Secretary
John Steffy, Board Treasurer
Peter C. Amuso, Esq. and Joseph W. Pizzo, Esq. - Rudolph Clarke, LLC., Solicitors
Pictured Left to Right
Back Row: Jiten Patel (Board Director); Dr. Victoria Velazquez (Assistant to the Superintendent for K-12 Administration); Brian Cohen (Assistant to the Superintendent for Special Services; Board Directors Marc Cohen; Deborah King; Rebecca Mirra, Esq.; Stephanie A. Gonzalez Ferrandez, Esq.; Karen A. Winters; Joseph Pizzo, Esq.
Sitting: Dr. Samuel Lee (District Superintendent); Heather D. Nicholas (Board President); Joseph A. Pettyjohn (Board Vice President); Kim J. Rivera (Board Director)