Ways to Help
The work of the foundation will help our children get a better education, improve our school district and better our community. We hope many members of our great community will be interested in helping with these efforts.
Ways you can help BEF help the school without spending extra money!
1. Sign-Up for the Power Up energy program – When people sign-up for this program (free to sign-up), they choose Stream Energy as their gas and/or electric supplier. They choose the plan they want, and they still get their bill and their customer service from PECO. The benefit to the school is that because you signed up through BEF, the company donates money to BEF for every customer that signed up and they do this every month. The money they donate is not added to the customer's bill. They donate money that they would have used for adverstising. We happen to have two great reps who are willing to call or meet with anyone who might want to sign up and help us. These calls or meetings do not obligate the person to sign up; they are to help with answering questions and explaining the program. And if someone decides they would like to sign-up, these representatives will also help with that although many people successfully sign-up on their own with their PECO bill in front of them. To find out more, click the box below:
2. Shop on Amazon – If you are an Amazon shopper, please click on the image below before every shopping trip! If you make a purchase after coming from the link on our site, Amazon will pay us a percentage of the cost of your purchase. This money is not added to your purchase and the amount depends on what you buy. We will not know who the buyer is, just that someone shopped through our link. It is a simple way for us to earn money from Amazon!
3. Share our Crowdrise Fundraising Campaign on your social media channels – If you use social media, one really easy way to help BEF is to promote our Crowdrise campaign. Each campaign has Facebook and Twitter links under the descriptive paragraph. Over time, we will have different fundraisers on our Bensalem Education Foundation page. Please check it often! Check out our Crowdrise page now!
4. Volunteer – We could always use help on our committees. If you have some time and you like our cause, please consider joining us. For more information or to let us know of your interest, please email [email protected] or talk to any existing BEF board or committee member.
For questions about any of these programs, contact us through email at [email protected] or leave a message at 215-750-2800x 4555. You can also become a member of our email list; just let us know of your interest and provide your email address.